Bead Museum Mimara, Zagreb Glass Collectioninv. no. ATM 1342Egypt, unknown siteLate Period (664-332 B.C.)5th c. paste2.7 x 0.5 cm
Gemma with image of Serapis Split Archaeological Museum Inv. no. AMS I547 Hellenistic period ( 332. - 30. BC ) Inv. no. AMS I-547 Reddish slate 1,4 x 0,6 cm
Gemma with image of Serapis
Split Archaeological Museum
Inv. no. AMS I547
Hellenistic period ( 332. - 30. BC )
Inv. no. AMS I-547
Reddish slate 1,4 x 0,6 cm
Gemma with image of Serapis Split Archaeological Museum Inv. no. AMS I865 Hellenistic period ( 332. - 30. BC ) Onyx 1 x 0,7 cm
Inv. no. AMS I865
1 x 0,7 cm
Gema - intaglio from dark-green jaspis with the image of HarpocratesMuseum of Slavonia, Osijekinv. no: MSO AA-1406 Osijek (Mursa)Roman Empire, 1st-4th c. A.D.jaspis 1.6 x 1.1 cm donation, C. F. Nuber
Statuette of Osiris from the boneMuseum Mimara, Zagreb Collection of the Ancient CivilizationsInv. no. ATM 245 Egypt, unknown siteNew Kingdom (1539-1069 B.C.) bone12 x 2.5 cm
Terracotta bust of SerapisFranciscan Monastery, SinjArchaeological collectioninv. no. R298; old inv. no. 46West region of Bosnia, probably Livno or FojnicaRoman Empire, the end of 2nd-3rd c. A.D.terracotta7.2 x 5 cmgift, Bosnian Franciscans
Horus Museum Mimara, Zagreb Collection of the Ancient CivilizationsInv. no. ATM 237 Egypt, unknown siteLate period (c. 664-332 B.C.)-Ptolemaic period (306-30 B.C.)faience6 x 6.5 cm
Osiris Museum Mimara, Zagreb Collection of the Ancient CivilizationsInv. no. ATM 238 Egypt, unknown siteThird Intermediate Period (1069-664 B.C.)bronze. 59 x 22 cm
Bronze statuette of Horus Museum Mimara, Zagreb Collection of the Ancient CivilizationsInv. no. ATM 239 Egypt, unknown siteNew Kingdom (1539-1069 B.C.) bronze6.5 x 3 cm